- 300mm Fujinon SW lens
- 305mm F9 Computar lens and other F9 Computar lenses
- Rear element group for 210mm F9 Computar. A whole lens will do.
- Apo-Kyvvtar F9 view camera lenses
- 5X7 Toyo View back for the 4 3/4 X 6 3/4" field camera. This camera is illustrated on my View Cameras list
- 8X10 back for Kodak Master View
- Universal diaphragm lens holder, 4" capacity or larger
- instruction manual for Ilford 500H head
- Paterson orbital color print processor motorized base
- Baby Deardorff camera for parts. May be in rough shape. Must have all metal front and rear extension rails.
- 4X5 Nikkor developing tank and film cage with SS band or just the SS band
- Sinar Handy pistol grip with cable release
- Sinar Handy coupling piece
- Goerz Hypergon lenses
- focusing mounts for view camera lenses
- Leitz Leica screw mount 15mm extension tube
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