

SINAR TWIN LENS REFLEX BY GLENNVIEW. This is a RARE CAMERA. Although Sinar sold the components to assemble a Twin Lens Reflex camera, I have never seen one other than the one I assembled. I can sell you the critical components, other than a set of matched lenses, you will need to put together your own Sinar TLR. This particular camera is priced as is because of the quality components. The camera is my personal camera; the camera is composed of the best versions of Norma components. The bellows are light tight original Norma bellows; nobody has made such quality bellows in decades. The last image is from an original Sinar Norma publication. $4200, not including the lenses.



Why buy a Sinar? The Sinar is not just the best designed and best built view camera, but it is also the most complete modular system. The Norma, built between 1947 and 1970 is the best built view camera ever made and quite collectable. The Norma is strong and light weight; the 4X5 Norma weighs just 7.5#. That is little more than the Sinar F, which is not 1/10 the camera the Norma is. The Norma is compact; it will fold down against the monorail. But compact means little when it comes to view cameras even if you are carrying them into the field. Because so many accessories are needed, you may store the accessories around the camera. So the compactness and portability of the whole outfit is more important than the compactness of the basic camera. Sinar Norma Expert cases efficiently utilize the space around the monorail camera and they have external hardware to accept backpacking straps.

Here is an example of why the Sinar Norma is the best camera. These are pictures of an 8X10 Sinar Norma ground glass back. The Back is lightweight cast aluminum, machined where necessary. The 4 surfaces where the ground glass sit are machined. The ground glass is held on with spring steel retainers. On the front side of the ground glass frame the surface is machined and is held in perfect position by 4 positioning screws. Your film holder is resting against felt around the perimeter--except at the light trap at the entrance to the film back, however, it bottoms out on those 4 positioning pins. Precision is essential because depth of field is so limited. Linhof started out building wooden view cameras, but soon went to metal when they realized greater precision was necessary. Greater resolution may be had with larger apertures if you can rely upon your film plane to be in the plane of focus. You can use larger apertures with the Sinar Norma because of the precision manufacture. If you are using a wooden camera stop down to ensure that you are within the depth of field of your lens/camera's capabilities--at the cost of lower resolution. Using a glass plate filmholder with a different distance to the coated glass surface? You could actually adjust those positioning screws to ensure that your ground glass and your coated glass plate are in the same plane.


I try to offer the best cameras I possibly can. Generally my Sinar Norma cameras come with all parts and all bubble levels in good working condition unless noted. Bellows will be light tight unless noted. Each Sinar Norma I sell will be newly cleaned, lubed and adjusted if necessary before being shipped out. Although these are venerable cameras, keep in mind the age of these cameras. New parts are not available. I have as good a collection of new and vintage parts as anyone, but sometimes parts are simply not available. Whatever the condition of the cameras that I sell you, you will be informed. A camera consists of front and rear standards, GG back, 12" basic rail with both end caps, rail clamp, regular pleated bellows. If you need something else, you may have it. Lensboards priced separately just like new because you must choose the hole size you need. Some Norma items are listed in other parts of this list, for instance, Norma pan/tilt heads will be listed with tripods.

Speaking of "newly cleaned, lubed and adjusted," I service Sinar Norma cameras. Sinar Norma cameras are extremely well made. They were made to last lifetimes. But, like anything else, they need service. Do not attempt to service your Sinar Norma if you do not know what you are doing. You will likely do more harm than good. A customer had his locking collet loosen up on him in the field. He took a wrench to it to try to tighten it up. That resulted only in further loosening and serious damage to his camera. His locking collet assembly had to be replaced. That was not an inexpensive repair. The flats on the locking collet shaft are not there to be turned with a wrench; do so and you will damage your camera. When your camera gets out of adjustment, let an expert adjust it.

SINAR NORMA PARTS, new and used: Sinar Norma cameras are so well built that replacement parts are seldom needed. Sinar Norma cameras were introduced in the 1940's. Sinar Norma cameras are 50+ years old. New Sinar Norma parts are extremely rare. I have some new and some used Sinar Norma parts. One part that may go bad on Sinar Norma cameras after 50+ years is the focusing helical gear rack. The early gear racks were machined metal and are likely still going strong after 70+ years. Sinar switched to injection molded Nylon gears; even those were long lived, but they can be damaged as seen in photos 2 and 3 below. I have 3 new Nylon gear racks availableas seen in photo 4 below. These are exceedingly rare. $250 each. I will list more parts as time allows.

SINAR NORMA TILT LOCK KNOB: This is a part that is frequently damaged or broken. This knob is held onto its shaft by a roll pin. This knob is without the rollpin.....and that is a good thing because oftentimes the knob will be destroyed in removing the rollpin. The knob is $100. Another knob attached to the through rod for 4X5 is $200. Another knob attached to the through rod for 5X7 is $300. I can also supply a similar slightly beefier replacement tilt lock knob without the hole for the rollpin and without the Siner logo, ready to be epoxied onto the metal knurled through rod end (sans rollpin or with rollpin ground down) for $100, or $200 if I do the work for you.

I have a lot of trouble listing specific cameras because the components are so interchangable. Need an 18" basic rail instead of the usual 12" basic rail? I can supply it. I have a lot of equipment of all sorts and it is really difficult to keep up with it all. I have concentrated on those items that need a little extra help in order to sell them. I have not had much incentive or time to keep the Sinar list updated because the high quality equipment virtually sells itself. I am only just beginning to update the Sinar list. Keep in mind that you do not have to buy a camera as configured. I can configure it to suit your needs.

8X10 Sinar Norma: Here you see it with 1 meter of rail and NEW bellows that are even longer than that. There is a 30" Red Dot Artar lens on the camera. This 8X10 camera and the lens have been sold. The GLENNVIEW made stabilizing rods with original Sinar clamps and the GLENNVIEW made 2X mounting plate are listed below. The 2nd image is from Sinar Norma literature.

4X10 Sinar Norma camera complete, or format change kit. A GLENNVIEW product with custom adapted Sinar Norma rear Standard bearer, with new 30" bellows, horizontal format only, you'll have to turn the camera on it's side to do a vertical (this is actually quite possible--by simply rotating the camera on it's rail). 4X10 is proportional to 8X20 and may be enlarged on an 8X10 enlarger. This camera has a metal rear gear rack. All bubble levels are working. The front bubble levels are original Sinar. The rear bubble levels are a glennview product. The ground glass focusing panel is removable; remove it to insert a filmholder. Accepts lenses from 72mm on up. The complete camera is $2500. The format change kit is $2000. I can supply up to 5 new Lotus filmholders for $300 each.

SINAR VERTICAL RISER EXTENSION RODS BY GLENNVIEW. Sinar made vertical riser extension rods, but they are rarely found. I have found several rods in 300mm length, but I have not found any in the appropriate length for a TLR 166mm--what you see above). I can make them in any length up to 337mm. I have them in stock in 337mm. The 337mm vertical riser extension rods are $200 per pair. These vertical riser rods have now been black anodized.

4 1/4" SINAR VERTICAL RISER EXTENSION RODS. These are Sinar made vertical riser extension rods from a 4X5 camera that were cut off in order to convert the 4X5 rear standard bearer to a 4X10 format. Note the marks on these extension rods. I used them because they were marked up. They function well. They will screw into your existing Sinar Norma vertical riser rods. You will not be able to use the riser end caps on these. Sinar F/F2 risers are of a different diameter. $100

STABILIZING RODS WITH CLAMPS: A set of 6 GLENNVIEW made 337mm stabilizing rods with a set of 4 very RARE original Sinar clamps are available for $1000. If you are working with extremely long lenses or doing macro work with your 8X10 Sinar you need these and the GLENNVIEW made 2X mounting plate. These stabilizing rods have now been black anodized. The last 2 images are from Sinar Norma literature.

GLENNVIEW made 18" mounting plate for use with 2X rail clamps: This mounting plate is optimized for use with Sinar gear. There are slots along the mounting plate that allow you to move your rail clamps between 9 and 12" on center. There are small slots on the bottom side of the mounting plate that engage the Sinar tripod head locating pins--keeping your camera aligned and preventing it from turning on the tripod head. $250. These 2X mounting plates have now been black anodized. When I get around to it I will make some hand screws for convenient mounting of the rail clamps to the 2X mounting plate. That will add to the cost. My handles will look like the ones in the last 2 photos of a previous version of my 2X mounting plate.

Sinar 19.5" long 2Xmounting plate for use with 2X rail clamps: Similar to the above. $300

You will find many GLENNVIEW custom made products on my Sinar web page and on my other web pages. There are cameras and format change kits up to 12X20". There are lots of little items too. I have an excellent selection of original Sinar equipment as well. Please enjoy looking around my web pages.

5X7 Norma bag bellows. This Norma rear bellows frame is made of one piece of machined aluminum. Bellows are riveted to both front and rear frames. That makes these bellows the best available. $300

5X7 Norma bag bellows. This Norma rear bellows frame is made of one piece of machined aluminum. Bellows are riveted to both front and rear frames. That makes these bellows the best available. Front frame repaired on these bellows. $250

Light trap repairs: I replaced the light trap material on the above 5X7 Norma. Norma cameras have not been made since the 1960s; the light trap material is made of a very long lived flexible material, but it is more often than not worn out. The 1st image is of the rear carrier frame with the deteriorated light trap material in the middle. the 2nd image shows the cleaned out light trap moat and the 3rd image shows the new light trap material installed. I can supply you with enough light trap material for a 5X7 rear carrier frame for $40. This material will be in strips of the proper width with enough length to do the job. I will give you instructions. Material for an 8X10 rear carrier frame is $70. Most of the effort involved in replacing the light trap material is in the removal and cleanup of the old material. You may want to do it yourself to save money. I will remove and replace the light trap material on your 5X7 rear carrier frame for $400. I will remove and replace the light trap material on your 8X10 rear carrier frame for $500.

4X5 Sinar Normas and Expert outfits available in several vintages and conditions

4X5 Sinar Norma Expert outfit: Earliest vintage that I have had in stock. 18" Norma basic rail, 18" extension rail, bag bellows, tapered regular bellows, square compendium bellows, rubber focusing bellows w/monocular, auxiliary standard, lensboard with built-in compendium bellows holder, Ex case for all, Ex+, $3000 Note the distinguishing characteristics of this early outfit: rails are all metal, including the anodized endpieces that fit into the extension rails, endcaps are clear anodized Aluminum, ground glass back was originally a spring back (I sold the spring back and replaced it with a later Norma international back), case is painted black inside and outside with brass hardware, case is suitcase style, focusing gears are, of course, chrome plated brass, locking collets.

4X5 Sinar Norma change kit, this is what you would use to convert your 5X7 Sinar Norma to 4X5, consists of 4X5 square non tapered bellows, rear carrier frame and vertical riser rods with top endcaps, through (tilt locking) rod (with the large 4 pointed lock knob), 2 bubble levels on carrier frame, 4X5 ground glass back, Mint-, $1000

3 different Sinar Norma instruction books, Ex, $60 ea., copies of each, $20 ea

GLENNVIEW Levels for Sinar Norma. Levels can go bad just sitting. They are easily damaged or broken. They are expensive to buy if you can find any available. Sinar Norma levels had a clear base. Later Sinar used a white base so the levels were more easily seen. The green vials look good mounted on the Sinar Norma cameras. 25 available. $60 each or 6 or more at $50 each.

8X10" Sinar Norma ground glass, will fit P, but P GG listed later, 8X10" and 18X24cm format lines, center lines and grid lines, lines worn, marks glass--as illustrated, not for metering back, (2.85mm or .111" thick), $100

8X10" Sinar Norma ground glass, ruled, as above, but lines almost all worn off, so consider it plain, otherwise fine, (2.85mm or 0.111" thick), $90

Sinar replacement ground glass retaining clips, specially designed to retain the GG and to retain a Fresnel lens and allow that Fresnel lens to be removed and replaced w/o the need for tools. These are for use with the 8X10 non-metering P/C/F back and the Norma back and a standard sized 8X10 Fresnel. They may also work with an 8X10 metering back and an appropriate sized Fresnel lens. These were not designed for use with 5X7 cameras or 4X5 cameras. New, old stock, set of 4 clips complete with 8 screws. The 8 screws alone could be worth the price to you. $35

SINAR NORMA CLAMP UNIT, complete, clamps onto round or flat surface. For use in field or in studio. Allows you to mount your camera almost anywhere or to convert the camera into an enlarger or copy camera. The disk in the middle is for mounting other cameras or tripod heads onto the clamp unit. Sinar Norma vintage, green color, loop handles allow more leverage and easier leverage than P handles, Mint, $400, Mint-, $350. Black P versions also available--listed with tripods, etc. later on this page.

Monocular on metal cone, snaps into round hole in Sinar Norma 4X5 tapered or bag bellows or square board that clips into any Sinar square 4X5 bellows frame, with rubber eyecup, Mint-, $80

36" extra long 8X10 Sinar bellows. Original 8X10 Sinar bellows are only about 29" long. This rear bellows frame came in on an 8X10 Sinar Norma. Like the original Sinar bellows, these come out straight for a ways, then taper to the front standard; this helps prevent vignetting. In that 1st image you see a Sinar clamp unit with 2 18" rails and one 12" rail, a Norma front standard holds the front end of the bellows while a P rear carrier frame is attached to the bellows rear frame in order to provide the weight to stretch out the bellows. $500

4X5 Norma square non tapered straight leather bellows, more compact, more supple, more durable than new Sinar bellows, square hole each end, Mint, boxed, RARE, $600

4X5 Norma new nylon square tapered bellows on original Norma plastic frames, more durable than new Sinar bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, Mint-, $200

4X5 Norma leather tapered bellows, more compact, more supple, more durable than new Sinar bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, at least one pinhole, VG, $125

4X5 Norma leather tapered bellows, more compact, more supple, more durable than new Sinar bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, some pinholes, front hole slightly distorted, Fair, $75

4X5 Norma wideangle bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, Mint, $200. Photo of these bellows with monocular may be found about 2/3 of the way into this page--under viewing aids.

4X5 Norma wideangle bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, Ex+, $175. Photo of these bellows with monocular may be found about 2/3 of the way into this page--under viewing aids.

4X5 Norma wideangle bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, Ex, $150

4X5 Norma wideangle bellows, square hole one end, round hole in square frame other end, accepts Norma monocular viewing device, Ex-, $125

4X5 Norma wideangle bellows--with repaired front plate, VG, $100

Norma bellows (except square non tapered compendium bellows) have a front plate with round hole that accepts the Sinar monocular.

Norma lensboards available only with cameras

Norma riser end caps, $50 each.

Norma clamps wanted.

Sinar Alpina tripod mounting block, with 3/8-16TPI and 1/4/20TPI sockets, $40

3 cases for 4X5 Sinar Alpina (or A1) listed near end of this list

P, C, SINAR cameras and components

8X10 to 4X5 GLENNVIEW made reducing back of black anodized aluminum with a 4X5 Graflock back attached, $300 with ground glass and Fresnel installed. Fits Sinar P non metering back. Accepts all Polaroid 4X5 backs.

11X14 P camera complete, utilizing 8X10 heavy duty rear standard bearer and 11X14 format change kit, $OLD. I can make another for you.

11X14 format change kit, custom made for use w/8X10P heavy duty standard bearer (standard bearer available separately), with spacer for front standard bearer, works beautifully, film plane same as Sinar's, made of black lacquered lightweight Mahogany. 11X14 back, carrier frame, and bellows weigh only 6# 3 oz., $OLD. I can make another for you.

8X20 Sinar P camera complete, A GLENNVIEW product with 8X10 Sinar P P/C/F Special Standard bearer as listed above, front standard, 12" and 18" rails, rail clamp, with new 36" bellows, horizontal format only, you'll have to turn the camera on it's side to do a vertical (this is actually quite possible--by simply rotating the camera on it's rail), made of black lacquered lightweight Mahogany. There is a bellows tab that keeps the bellows from sagging. Complete with custom focusing cloth which is held onto the perimeter of the rear carrier frame by Velcro. $OLD. I can make another for you. I do have a 4X10 Sinar Norma camera available. It is shown above on this page. 4X10 is proportional to 8X20 and may be enlarged on an 8X10 enlarger.

Notes on the above and below listed 8X20 Sinar P camera: I designed the 8X20 Sinar to be light weight and compact and to function well with all focal length lenses up to 30". The bellows are made by America's best bellows manufacturer. A bellows tab keeps the bellows from sagging at intermediate extension and also attaches to the rear carrier frame for storage of the bellows and ease of camera setup. The ground glass back is from a commercially made camera and accepts standard filmholders. There is a large white-on-one-side, black-on-the-other-side focusing cloth included with the 8X20 Sinar. This focusing cloth is designed for this particular camera. There is Velcro around the perimeter of the rear carrier frame and complementary Velcro on the focusing cloth. This focusing cloth wraps around the camera in front of the focusing controls so that you have access to the focusing controls underneath the cloth. The cloth blocks out light from above and below. The cloth stays cool with the reflective white side out, yet is opaque due to the black interior. There is plenty of room under the cloth to step back and view the ground glass from a comfortable viewing distance for composing. Of course, it is not just an 8X20 Sinar. It is convertible to other formats. You can mount other formats onto the rear standard bearer. I have built 12X20, 11X14 and 4X10 Sinar format change kits just as I built the 8X20.

8X20 format change kit for Sinar P. You get the rear carrier frame with ground glass, bellows and custom focusing cloth as seen in the above 8X20 camera outfit. Use your own Sinar standard bearer, rail Complete with . $OLD. I can make another for you.

12X20 format change kit for Sinar P, with new 36" bellows, horizontal format only, you'll have to turn the camera on it's side to do a vertical, made of black lacquered hard maple with a Deardorff mahogany ground glass frame, weighs only 9# 11 ounces, for use with 8X10 Sinar P heavy duty standard bearer (standard bearer available separately). I built this for a customer who previously had me build an 11X14 format change kit. A spacer for the front standard (as illustrated with the 11X14 format change kit above) is included in the $4000 price. I did not make a spacer for this customer because he will be using his 11X14 front standard. It can be used without a spacer for the front standard by tilting the front and rear standards as I did to test the coverage of the ~300mm ~F8 lens you see on the camera. I used the Deardorff ground glass frame because I had it on hand and saw no need to duplicate it. The cost of a 12X20 format change kit without the spacer for the front standard is $3500. This is not in stock. It was made on commission and promptly shipped out. I will make one for you upon demand. Note the use of a velvet bed for the filmholder. It is too much to expect the camera and filmholder interface in such a large camera to be light tight without a velvet filmholder bed. Sinar and Linhof use velvet filmholder beds in 4X5 cameras. Only the inexperienced would not use a velvet filmholder bed in a 12X20 camera. This particular camera was made to accept F&S type filmholders. Actually, the customer will be using new Lotus filmholders made to match F&S filmholder specifications. The buyer of this 12X20 format change kit said, "The camera looks fantastic and exceeded my expectation. Thank you very much."

305mm F5.6 American Optical Co. Type 1, coated, complete with yellow and red center filters, front and rear lenscaps, very wide angle, looks like a Hypergon w/o the fan, covers 12X20 with movements! I've used it on the 8X20 Sinar and it performs beautifully. Sharp and rectilinear, but decidedly soft focus @ F5.6. It's a true soft focus, too, similar to the Kodak Portrait lens in performance. It gradually, but rather quickly becomes sharp as you stop down. At f8, 3/4 of the soft focus effect is gone. At F11, almost all of the soft focus effect is gone. the center filters in that huge size would cost about $2000 each today. Center filters help even out the exposure on extreme wide angle lenses. Presently I have one ready to go in barrel with F45 fixed aperture mounted on Sinar lensboard @ $2000. In the past I have sold them in barrel with water house stop set from F5.6 to F90, with manual slide shutter, @ $2500, and another with full set of waterhouse stops (F5.6 to F90) mounted for use with Sinar shutter and Sinar camera for $3000.

Custom paper cutter for cutting 16X20" Cibachrome or Ilfochrome into 8X20", made of 1.25" solid oak with oak stop and metal cutting guide strips, free instructions for shooting Cibachrome or Ilfochrome in Camera with this cutter, 25% restocking charge on this item if returned, Ex+, $100

8X10 Sinar P rear standard bearer, w/DOF, as clean and smooth operating as it looks, $2000

8X10 Sinar P ground glass back. This back is compatible with Norma cameras. $600

8X10 Sinar P carrier frame--designed to be inexpensive, light weight, and useful with Sinar Norma, Sinar P, Sinar F 8X10 backs and bellows. It could also be used with other make 8X10 backs. This carrier frame has a 10 1/4" recess front and rear that will accommodate Sinar back and bellows. Other make backs may be used. You need not use Sinar bellows. You could glue bellows directly to the front side. It is available with or w/o a Sinar coupling piece. There are other Sinar parts you could mount this on--one of which is illustrated. I have not added bellows frame or film back attachment hardware because that hardware will vary with the bellows frame and film back you choose to use. I will leave the hardware up to you or I will add the hardware for a fee. $400 for the wood frame. The Sinar coupling piece is $250 mounted on the frame. Note that I have positioned the coupling piece such that when mounted upon a 4X5 Sinar P rear standard bearer, the 8X10 back is centered in relation to the front standard. I can position the coupling piece anywhere on the carrier frame. I can position it where Sinar positions it. I can position it where you tell me to position it. The Sinar universal camera mount shown is $200. I can provide a camera screw socket compatible with the camera screw of your choice set into the carrier frame for $100.

Camera Support Platform 236008 (for mounting any Camera on P rear std bearer) w/mtng screw, Mint, $200

Universal Camera Holder 236009 (attaches another camera to rail clamp) with 1/4" & 3/8" mtng screws , Mint, last one, $150

Multipurpose standard, 1st "P" version, like Norma version, but black in color, w/extra rise--for 8X10 use--Mint, $400

Multipurpose standard, custom made of Mahogany, Padauk, brass, & Nylon, Mint-, $125


Note: None of the below listed Handys have shift.

38mm Biogon in Hasselblad focusing mount, Hasselblad optical viewfinder adapted to show lens's full circular image, accessory shoe, double bubble level. Although made with Sinar and Hasselblad parts, camera conceived and reconfigured by GLENNVIEW. The distance from the Hasselblad SW mount to the film plane was duplicated on the Handy; focus and registration is perfect. There is a black anodized spacer ring between the Sinar lenscone and the Hasselblad SW helical focusing mount. Image looks like a fisheye w/o distortion. Note: Lens in focusing mount, with between-the-lens, X-synched, shutter with PC connector, on lensboard with altered Hasselblad viewfinder only. Will function on all Sinar 4X5 carrier frames from Sinar Norma to F/P/C/F2. Ex+, $1900. The 5th and 6th photos illustrate a custom mounting device mounted on this Sinar Handy with 38mm Biogon which is listed below. The Superwide body was sold; the last photo is of that camera body.

GLENNVIEW made Sinar handy custom mounting device mounts onto rear of handy and allows you to either mount the camera on the top of a tripod for shooting straight up or to place flat on floor or tabletop for shooting straight up. The 4th and 5th photos above illustrate this piece. 2nd photo of Handy with 58mm lens below illustrates this piece. $120

4X5 and 8X10 HANDY. NEW 47mm f5.6 MC Super Angulon-XL in NEW focusing mount. The 47mm SA-XL came out when Sinar was producing Handys with shift. Sinar never made a lens cone for use with the SA-XL. The lens cone is a custom made GLENNVIEW lens cone. It was necessary to make 2 lens cones in order to determine the precise spacing. The 1st lenscone allowed me to test the focusing distance. Once proper spacing was determined, the 2nd, larger lens cone was made. The lens cone needed to be the largest diameter possible in order to avoid vignetting. Additionally, the recessed lens board, which is a Sinar 4X5 reducing back with a GLENNVIEW custom recessed extension, needed to be custom machined to avoid vignetting. Extreme precision was required in all phases of the construction of this unique 8X10 Handy. There was nothing easy about it. The result is a perfectly functioning camera unique in the industry. There is a custom base plate for the 8X10, which will allow you to use the camera w/o a tripod......say on a railing on an overlook. There is a custom back plate that provides protection for the 8X10 GG and allows the camera to be placed on its back on the ground or on the floor for shooting straight up. That back plate as well as the base plate have 3/8-16TPI camera sockets for mounting on tripods. Of course, you may use the Sinar tripod couplers with either the 4X5 or the 8X10 to mount the cameras as well. There is a center filter. There are lenscaps for the lens and the center filter. There are 2 Sinar double levels designed to mount onto the cameras with a linear convex first surface mirror that allows you to see from behind and below the cameras. There are accessory mounts that would typically be used with viewfinders. A GLENNVIEW custom viewfinder is included. $7000

NEW 47mm f5.6 MC Super Angulon in focusing mount, Sinar lenscone. One image shows handgrip removed and camera mounted onto Foba tripod head utilizing the coupling piece. The Sinar Foba tripod head with double tilt is superior to the Sinar pan/tilt head for this use. The last image is from a Sinar Handy brochure and explains the essence of the Handy. Everything in the picture, except for the lens and focusing mount on lens cone has been sold. Will function on all Sinar 4X5 carrier frames from Sinar Norma to F/P/C/F2. I leave this up for your information.

47mm lenscone and focusing mount and 47mm F5.6 Super Angulon in Prontor Press self-cocking shutter, which makes for fast shooting. Shutter has a self timer, a cable release socket and a PC synch with a protective plastic cover. The helical focusing mount has scales in both Meters and Feet. The lens will focus to .85 meters or 2.1 feet. This lens is mounted on a Sinar lenscone and is properly spaced; you may mount this on any Sinar 4X5 carrier frame and it will focus on the ground glass mounted on the opposite side of the carrier frame. The Prontor Press self-cocking shutter makes for fast shooting; add a Grafmatic and fire away. See my View Camera accessories web page for 4X5 Grafmatic rapid shot film holders. Will function on all Sinar 4X5 carrier frames from Sinar Norma to F/P/C/F2. Mint, $1300

Handy complete with multicoated 58mm F5.6 Super Angulon XL in focusing mount, carrier frame, GG back, coupling piece (allows you to mount Handy onto tripod or handgrip), handgrip, double bubble level, viewfinder, Mint. I purchased this USA lens and focusing mount new. The 2nd photo shows this camera mounted on a tripod with the GLENNVIEW made Sinar handy custom mounting device which is also illustrated on the Handy with 38mm Biogon lens. $OLD. I do have another 58mm Super Angulon-XL listed on my VIEW CAMERA LENSES web page, but I do not have a focusing mount or a Handy lenscone.

75mm lenscone and focusing mount and 75mm F5.6 Super Angulon in Copal #0 shutter. Lens is clean and free of problems. Shutter is working smoothly at all speeds. The helical focusing mount has scale in feet. The lens will focus to 3 feet 7 inches. This lens is mounted on a Sinar lenscone and is properly spaced; you may mount this on any Sinar 4X5 carrier frame and it will focus on the ground glass mounted on the opposite side of the carrier frame. Will function on all Sinar 4X5 carrier frames from Sinar Norma to F/P/C/F2. $1200

5X7 Handy, a GLENNVIEW product, complete with 53mm F4 Super Angulon, The lens is Schneider's answer to Zeiss' Biogon. The 53mm Super Angulon is a half stop faster than, with the same coverage and equivalent resolution to the Biogon. It is in a great Schneider chrome plated brass 65mm focusing mount with translation scale, gives 4.9" circular image at infinity. When focused close, such as in the lighthouse, the image circle is larger. Simple mechanical viewfinder folds. Bubble level just behind the VF. Lens Mint. 3/8-16TPI camera socket. The ground glass back is off of a commercially made view camera. $1200.

8X10 Handy format change kit, a GLENNVIEW product. Will accept any lens designed to work on a 4X5 Sinar Handy. The lens used to make the negative shown was a 58mm Schneider Super Angulon-XL. The baseplate and the backplate allow the camera to be used without a tripod in some situations. Set the camera on a level surface on the baseplate or the backplate and it is level. The baseplate and the backplate each have a tripod socket as well. The backplate also serves as a ground glass protector. There is a Sinar accessory attachment bar on top of the camera. A Sinar double bubble level is attached. Viewfinders may also be mounted on the attachment bar with a Sinar attachment bar shoe between. A VF really is not needed for this camera. The lenses cover a lot. All you really have to do is to chosse your viewpoint and level the camera if necessary. I used no VF for the negative illustrated. This is not a complete camera, but a change kit that allows you to get the complete image your lens produces. You need to already own a 4X5 handy with lens. What is included is the 8X10 carrier frame, 8X10 GG back, recessed front plate to accept Sinar lensboards, baseplate, backplate, accessory bar. All else is borrowed from your 4X5 Handy. You are welcome to buy a 4X5 Handy from me as well. $3000.

Sinar Double spirit level (mounts on carrier frame), with cover that has a convex mirror on the bottom so that you may view the level from behind and below the camera, Mint, $200

Custom coupler for Sinar Handy to 1/4-20TPI camera screw. Sinar does not make anything quite like this. $200

Sinar Handy instruction manual for the 1st version of the Handy--such as the ones I have available, copy, $10

Sinar Handy brochure for the 1st version of the Handy--such as the ones I have available, oversize fold-out brochure, difficult to copy, copy, 2 different vintage versions available, I recommend you buy copies of both, $25 each.

Sinar Handy brochure for the 2nd version of the Handy--the one with shift capability, copy, $20, original, $40


SINAR NORMA PAN/TILT HEAD. If you shoot a Sinar, this is the head to have. It was designed specifically for the Norma. 3 of the projections on the top are spring loaded and may be pushed down into the body by a larger than Sinar baseplate. The 4th one is removable. The projections front and rear mate with slots in the bottom of Sinar rail clamps in order to align the rails with the tilt. The head tilts fore and aft; sideways tilt is accomplished by tilting the camera on the rail. The 2 small projections are guides that position the rail clamp so the camera screw is aligned with the rail clamp socket. The camera screw is 3/8-16TPI. There is a secondary tightening screw surrounding the camera screw that makes it easy to solidly tighten down the camera.......something the newer Sinar Pan/Tilt head does not have. The locking lever is adjustable by 60 degree increments. These images are of a head that was sold. I leave them up to show you the Sinar camera to pan/tilt head interface and operation. I now have two in stock; see them just below.

SINAR NORMA PAN/TILT HEAD. This is one of the cleanest Sinar Norma pan/tilt heads I have ever had in stock. It is as clean and well functioning as the below black Sinar Norma pan/tilt head. So color is the only difference between this head and the below head. This green head is $650. This head is mounted upon a Gitzo column mounted upon a Gitzo TELE STUDEX G505 COMPACT PERFORMANCE TRIPOD. When Sinar decided to build Tripods they copied this Gitzo tripod. You will ind this Gitzo tripod and a whole lot of Gitzo accessories on my TRIPODS web page.

SINAR NORMA PAN/TILT HEAD. Towards the end of the Sinar Norma production some Sinar Norma equipment was finished in black--probably because they had only one paint line and the newer model cameras were black in color. This Norma pan/tilt head is the only black one I have seen. I looked it over carefully. It was originally finished in black. It is as clean as and functions as well as any olive drab Norma pan/tilt head I have had in stock. That is to be expected given that it may well be the last Norma pan/tilt head made. The 2 Sinar Norma auxilliary standards are black and olive drab. Black Norma cameras were made. This black head is $650.

Tightening disk for Sinar Norma Pan/Tilt head. Pan/Tilt head has been sold. This is an original tightening disk. I made a substitute tightening disk for this sold Pan/Tilt head. The original is in perfect operating condition and cosmetically clean. $100

Tightening screw and disk for Sinar Norma Pan/Tilt head. I recently bought a super clean Sinar Norma Pan/Tilt head without this assembly, so I made it. I copied such an assembly made by Sinar, and added a Sinar washer from a P assembly. The screw is stainless steel. The disk is aluminum. This design is required for use with the Norma pan/tilt head. The tightening disk is needed for use with Norma cameras. The P camera screw is listed below. Sinar P cameras do not require a tightening screw because of the "flip lock" screw on the P rail clamp. $150

SINAR P CAMERA SCREW, like the one that comes with the P pan/tilt head. 3/8-16TPI and 1/4-20TPI reversible camera screw. May be used on some other tripod heads. New, $25 each.

Dietzgen panoramic leveling head tripod This Dietzgen has a spacer/adapter on top of it to optimize it for use with a 3" diameter head such as the Sinar pan/tilt head. This tripod is quite sturdy enough for use with 4X5 or 8X10 Sinar cameras or equivalent. The adapter/spacer creates enough working space for heads with extremities. With an about 15 degree leveling head, 3/8X16TPI camera stud, under 11#, wooden legs, brass fittings with pointed tips on leg ends, 38" collapsed, maximum 66" extended, bungee cord secures legs when folded, Ex, $500.

Universal camera holder 236009 (attaches another camera to rail clamp) with 1/4" & 3/8" mounting screws, Mint, $100

SINAR CLAMP UNIT, complete, clamps onto round or flat surface. For use in field or in studio. Allows you to mount your camera almost anywhere or to convert the camera into an enlarger or copy camera. The disk in the middle is for mounting other cameras or tripod heads onto the clamp unit. Black Sinar P vintage, Mint, $400, Mint-, $350. Norma versions (like those illustrated in the Sinar illustrations) also available--listed earlier on this page. I have adapted a Sinar clamp unit for use as a Universal clamp unit with a 92mm round flat base with 3/8-16TPI camera screw to accept most tripod heads and many cameras directly; please see my TRIPODS web page.

SINAR and GLENNVIEW 3/8 to 1/4" SOCKET ADAPTORS. Because it screws down from the top of the Sinar rail clamp, the rail clamp is sandwiched between the adaptor and the tripod--providing much greater holding power than the cheap ones that screw in from the bottom. This is the only such socket adapter that I would trust to hold my Sinar. The 1st 3 images show one made by Sinar; I have one available for $30. I manufacture ones that I like better. This GLENNVIEW product utilizes an Allen wrench instead of a screw driver to install it. It is easier to install because it will not fall off of the Allen wrench while you are installing it, made of hardened steel, $30.

GLENNVIEW made 18" mounting plate for use with 2X rail clamps: This mounting plate is optimized for use with Sinar gear. There are slots along the mounting plate that allow you to move your rail clamps between 9 and 12" on center. There are small slots on the bottom side of the mounting plate that engage the Sinar tripod head locating pins--keeping your camera aligned and preventing it from turning on the tripod head. $250. These 2X mounting plates have now been black anodized. When I get around to it I will make some hand screws for convenient mounting of the rail clamps to the 2X mounting plate. That will add to the cost. My handles will look like the ones in the last 2 photos of a previous version of my 2X mounting plate.

Sinar 19.5" long 2Xmounting plate for use with 2X rail clamps: Similar to the above. $350

Sinar top plate for Majestic tripod head, replaces the Majestic top plate, with 3/8" camera mounting screw, with Sinar rail clamp locating pins that locate and align and your Sinar rail clamp so that the Sinar rail clamp is easy to position and will be in alignment with the geared tilt axis, made of black anodized Aluminum, a GLENNVIEW product, Mint-, $125. Note: this item has been sold, but I can make another upon demand.

Hasselblad/Sinar/MP4: Hasselblad camera mount on rear of MP4 focusing bellows, Sinar carrier frame on front of focusing bellows. Designed for use with a Hasselblad 500 EL with a 21mm extension tube. Camera base slips into quick-release mount and extension tube slips into machined plate at top of bellows assembly. Hasselblad is in perfect vertical alignment when bellows assembly is in center detent position; it is possible to swivel whole camera/bellows assembly off center. Large MP4 bellows mean there will be no problem with image degrading light bouncing off the bellows. Designed for use with your view camera lenses on Sinar boards. I use it with a Hasselblad battery eliminator/charger/AC adaptor. The 500EL and battery eliminator/charger/AC adaptor are listed on my Medium and Small Format list. MP4 column not included, but available on my copy camera equipment list. Hasselblad gear not included. Sinar lensboard not included. Ex, $500

Polaroid MP4XLR column with rail rider. Baseboard mounting hardware included. No baseboard included. No camera head included. Mint-, $500. You can see part of this in the photo just above with the 8X10 Sinar Norma and with the Hasselblad.

Polaroid MP3XL column optimized for Sinar, 56" high, w/column rider, counterbalance spring, baseplate, 2 electrical outlets w/Hi and Lo, 1400W capacity. The MP3 copy head is not included. Included instead is a 3" diameter camera mount optimized for Sinar with removable locating screws that fit into slots in the base of the Sinar rail clamp, but able to accept any camera that has a 3/8-16TPI tripod socket. This camera mount revolves--providing left to right alignment capability. The MP3 rail rider has built-in front to back alignment capability. The Sinar camera's optical axis is about 15" from the front of the column at the baseboard (this will vary with the model Sinar you are using). Ex+, $450. Note: specify thickness of baseboard to be used and I'll supply the appropriate mounting screws(+3/4"). Original MP3 baseboard listed below. The 2nd image illustrates the MP3 cam adjustable rail rider. If you already have an MP3 column, I can supply an MP3 copy camera conversion mount optimized for Sinar, but usable with most cameras at a cost of $250.

Polaroid MP3 butcherblock baseboard, 24X28", with POLAROID MP3 LIGHT ARMS & LIGHTS, Ex+, $300

Many other MP4 accessories available; see COPY CAMERA list.


44mm or 1 3/4" rail, hollow, no end pieces, a Sinar made product, Mint, $15

Early P 6" extension rail, chrome, on the left, $50. 6" P extension rail, chrome, on the right, $85.

18" P extension rail, chrome, 2 endcaps, Mint, $180

rail clamp plastic insert, a Sinar made product, Mint, $35

Sinar rail end wrench. This has a triangular hole in it that you may slip over the plastic end of a Sinar rail to gain a lot more leverage to remove a stuck extension rail. A GLENNVIEW product. I sold this, but I can make another. $125


8X10" Sinar early P mostly plain ground glass, will fit Norma, has P swing/tilt axis lines, 8X10" and 18X24cm format lines and center lines, this early version is thicker and less likely to break than later versions, not for metering back, (2.85mm or .111" thick), measures 210 X 255mm. New-old-stock, Mint-, $120

8X10" Sinar early P ruled ground glass, will fit Norma, has P swing/tilt axis lines, 8X10" and 18X24cm format lines, 20mm on center grid lines, and center lines, this early version is thicker and less likely to break than later versions, not for metering back, (2.85mm or .111" thick), used, illustrated below, measures 210 X 255mm, $OLD. Another with most of the lines missing, $50

Sinar replacement ground glass retaining clips, specially designed to retain the GG and to retain a Fresnel lens and allow that Fresnel lens to removed and replaced w/o the need for tools. These are for use with the 8X10 non-metering P/C/F back and the Norma back and a standard sized 8X10 Fresnel. They may also work with an 8X10 metering back and an appropriate sized Fresnel lens. These were not designed for use with 5X7 cameras or 4X5 cameras. New, old stock, set of 4 clips complete with 8 screws. The 8 screws alone could be worth the price to you. $35

8X10 ground glass protector, flat virtually unbreakable Polycarbonate sheet that mounts onto the rear of the GG back where the Sinar bellows or reflex viewer mounts, a glennview product, $30

5X7 ground glass protector, flat virtually unbreakable Polycarbonate sheet that mounts onto the rear of the GG back where the Sinar bellows mounts, a glennview product, $25

4X5 ground glass protector, flat virtually unbreakable Polycarbonate sheet that mounts onto the rear of the GG back where the Sinar bellows or reflex viewer mounts, a glennview product, $20

4X5 Fresnel to fit Sinar, mounts in front of GG, Mint, $60, Ex+, $50, Ex, $40, VG, $30, Fair, $20

4X5 Sinar Fresnel in holder, well used Fresnel with scratches, $125. This is my last one. You see it on my personal camera. It will fit Graflex Graflok backs too. It pops in and out with relative ease.

4X5 Sinar Fresnel lens only, not in holder (black frame), with the holes for the holder screws to go through, used, with many fine scratches, $20

Polaroid 405 yellow plastic mask (100 series film), New, $5

Note: In my opinion, the most useful viewing aid is the binocular board with lighthood used on the back of a bag bellows. 2nd most useful is the Sinar monocular on either a bag bellows or on the rubber focusing bellows/lensshade. If you must have an upright image, Sinar's rigid viewer is better than any other because of the adjustable angle mirror, which allows seeing into the corners even with wide angle lenses. The plastic lenses are easily scratched, but those scratches don't seem to affect the performance. New lenses are available from Sinar and easily replaced, but because the lenses are plastic--expect even new ones to be slightly scratched.

Binocular magnifier, lenses slightly scratched, lenses are plastic--expect even new ones to be slightly scratched, Ex+, $100

Binocular reflex housing for 4X5. Sinar lighthood with blackout shade (for use with film plane lightmeter) mounted on housing with tilting mirror and fixed-in-place Sinar magnifying lenses. The tilting mirror allows you to see all of the image with or without a Fresnel lens. With a Fresnel lens you may see the whole image simultaneously--even with a wideangle lens on the camera. Shown attached to Norma GG panel, which is not included. Image is upright. No need for darkcloth. Advertizing execs and other non-photographers love it as much as if not more than photographers do. Once you use it you will not want to go back to using a darkcloth. The plastic magnifying lenses are imperfect, but work well, otherwise Mint-, $370

Monocular on metal cone, snaps into round hole in Sinar Norma 4X5 tapered or bag bellows front frames or molded rubber bellows or square board that clips into any Sinar square 4X5 bellows frame, with rubber eyecup, $80. The Norma bag bellows on the left is $200. These bellows may be attached to a camera back as is the molded rubber bellows, which are also $200. The molded rubber bellows may be used as a compendium belllows as well; it has a 105mm threaded ring around the perimeter of the monocular cone that threads into the Sinar swing out filter holder. The bellows frame on the other end may to attached to an auxiliary standard. The rubber eyecup on these older monoculars is not as live as it once was and may be pulled off the metal lenscone easily. These monoculars are of sufficient strength to allow you to focus accurately. You cannot see the whole GG with the monocular, but you can see much of it at once. You may move the monocular around to view the corners. These monocular lenses are made of real glass and are much less likely to be scratched than the plastic lenses found in the Binocular reflex housing listed above--which is more for composing than focusing.


New Sinar 103mm glass filters:

Skylight 1, #546.12, New, $70

Neutral Density, 2X, 546.14, New, $100

Color Correction filter #85 (Decamirad 12 Red), New, $120

Polarizing filter with Rotating Swing-out filter holder, also with filter retaining ring for use with other filters. Polarizing filter and one other filter may be used at the same time. Polarizing filter is mint. $500

Lot of Sinar filters and accessories: Glass Polarizing filter. Glass 2X ND filter. Glass yellow filter. Glass green filter. Sinar screw in gel filter holder, fits the Sinar Swing-out filter holder. With 2 dozen gel filters, including new-in-sealed-envelopes #25 red and #8 yellow. 3 filter holder rods of differnet lengths for attaching to your camera in front of various lenses. $OLD

RARE SINAR SOLAR FILTER. I rented this filter out for the eclipse. The person who rented it was kind enough to allow me to post these images he took of the eclipse. Very dense glass filter. You can see very little else but the sun through this filter. Designed for use with the original Sinar swing out filter system. I have not seen another Sinar solar filter to fit the Sinar swing out filter system. Can be used with virtually any camera and lens. The image of the sun and clouds was made hand holding the filter in front of a digital SLR. Filter is slightly greater than 4" in diameter or about 103mm in diameter. Filter is about 0.088" thick or about 2.2mm thick. The filter comes with an original Sinar protective sleeve. There are a few scratches on the filter. The scratches have not shown up in any image I have made using the filter. For the photo of the sun and clouds, I had to overexpose by about 6 stops. Without the overexposure, all that would be seen would be the sun, which would be what you would want for most purposes. The photos of the eclipse at totality were made without the use of the filter because that's the way it is done. But when photographing the body of the sun you need a filter to protect your eyes and your camera. $150

Front surface mirror in holder. In the 1st image you see a GLENNVIEW 8X10 Sinar Handy reflected in the mirror. Mint, $250

P/C/F Bellows holders, plastic, $20 each

Empty shading filter frame set, 542.91.001 For use with gel filters and bellows mask I. Attach filter to frame, slide frame into slot of Mask I as far as required. New, $50

Bellows mask, Polaroid 545 format, use in front of compendium bellows on auxiliary standard, metal, masks off all nonimageforming light, Mint, $20

Bellows mask, 4X5 format, use in front of compendium bellows on auxiliary standard, metal, masks off all nonimageforming light, Mint, $40


8X10 Sinar P bellows for non-metering back, Used, $300. These are original Sinar bellows made of a very heavy duty material. There is black tape on the front 5 folds and a strip of tape along one side near the rear. Light tight. The rear frame is made of 4 pieces of metal riveted together. Will not fit the Norma.

5X7 bag bellows for Sinar Norma or P. $500

4X5 Square bellows, latest design, with circular cutout in bellows frames, New, $350, Ex+, $250

4X5 wideangle bellows, Mint, $175

4X5 wideangle bellows, Ex+, $125

SINARSIX METERS, accessories

Sinarsix instruction book for the Sinarsix meter as illustrated. Original, $50. Copy of original, $35.

Supplementary instructions for Sinarsix, including instructions for using the Sinarsix as a densitometer, copy of original, $20

S dial or X dial. Click on image of type from instruction book to read about them. New-old-stock. 2 of each available. $35 each. 1 of each, $60. All 4 for $100.

Cassettes: Illustrated is a 5X7 and a custom made 4X5 light meter cassette. For 8X10 use, the 5X7 cassette slipped into a frame that fit into an 8X10 back. I am sold out of cassettes. These images are for your benefit. The 4 rectangular cutouts on the phenolic face allow you to mount your meter. You pull the dark slide up to place the spotmeter probe and lower the darkslide to keep extraneous light out during the exposure reading.


4X5 Sinar Norma expert case, $400. I have more such cases that are not as clean looking.....but complete and solid for $300.

4X5 Sinar Alpina (or A1) slim attache case, ~5X14.5X20", molded Plastic, Ex+, $100 and another, VG, $50.

Case for 4X5 Sinar Alpina, not made by Sinar, captain's style, ~7X14X20", Ex, $40


4 matched coated 135MM F6.3 Ilex Paragon barrel mount with diapgram lenses, mounted on Sinar lensboard and 4-way divider mask for camera rear gives you 4 exposures on a sheet of film simultaneously, designed to be used with Sinar shutter, Mint, $400 or w/o lensboard, Mint, $200 Note: These lenses are of a Tessar design and are very sharp. The only other such lens set I have seen was a set of Schneider F8 Radionar lenses with no diaphragms; diaphragms are a distinct advantage.

4 way divider to be used with the above lenses. 2 parts. Divider may be mounted on the base plate centered or offset--for use with the Polaroid 405 back. New-in-box, $150


Over 100 lensboards in stock. I can probably supply you with just about any lensboard you need. I can bore the center hole to size. I have recessed lensboards, extension lensboards, aperture control lensboards, green Norma lensboards. Black lensboards with #0, #1, or #3 hole sizes are $75 each when in stock. Some of the more unusual lensboards are listed below. Email about anything else. Keep in mind that a lensboard that is ready for your specific needs is the most valuable lensboard to you. A lensboard with no hole or a small hole may be bored out to a larger size, but a lensboard already bored to the size you need does not need that work and is therefore more valuable to you.

Universal Diaphragm Lensholders properly mounted. I have had a number of UDLs over time. They sell very well. This is the ultimate mounting for Sinar. A 5.5" diameter UDL on a 5.5" square lensboard. It opens to 98mm and stops down to 25mm. Special mounting is required to ensure lighttightness and clearance so that the camera's lensboard retaining slide locks would have room to lock down upon the lensboard. A stepped spacer goes between the UDL and the lensboard and 4 spacers go between the UDL and the lensboard at the 4 corners to ensure parallelism and to take pressure off of the blade closing mechanism. You will not find a better UDL on Sinar lensboard--if you find any at all. These are in great demand and scarce to start with. Although $OLD, this is an example of one of the services that I offer. I can mount your UDL on your lensboard or mine. This custom mounting allowed a UDL that, mounted in the usual manner, would not have fit upon a Sinar lensboard. I have no UDL's available presently, but I can properly mount your UDL.

Recessed lensboard, largest practical square recess in black P lensboard, ~1" depth of recess, drilled for Copal 0, a GLENNVIEW product, $600. Note that a Hasselblad back will fit within the recess. Even the newer larger megapixel and larger CCD digital backs are a lot smaller than view camera film backs--requiring shorter lenses to achieve the same angle of view. Recessed lensboards are becoming a necessity for the lenses. Could they also be used to place those digital backs closer to the lens? This and 5 others like it have been sold. I can make another.

Recessed lensboard, round opening in lensboard with square recess behind, designed this way so that the spacer between the front and rear lensboards may be changed, available with 1" depth of recess for $250. Available with 1.75" depth of recess for $300. Bored for Copal 0, mounted on an early P board that fits the P and the Norma equally well. Although 2 pictures show Sinar Norma lensboard, only black P lensboard available. I recommend the short cable extension as an accessory at $30 because installing a cable release on the shutter after it is installed in a recessed lensboard is almost impossible. Although I can manipulate the shutter controls on this 1" depth of recess lensboard without difficulty, someone with larger hands may have difficulty. The above square recessed lensboard has more room around the shutter. The above lensboard is also more expensive to manufacture. A GLENNVIEW product. The 4th image below shows a 47mm F 5.6 Super Angulon lens mounted on one of these recessed lensboards with a short cable release extention. The last photo shows that same lens and Sinar Norma camera from the side so you can see that there is a comfortable amount of space between the standards in operating position.

Recessed lens tube, 1.5" recess, 98.7mm inside diameter, 113.7mm outside diameter. #0 hole size. This may be mounted on your lensboard or my lensboard. A GLENNVIEW product, $400 + the cost of the lensboard. Of course, there will be no charge for the customer supplied lensboard. Mounting charge included.

Sinar Norma extension lensboard. #1 hole size. I have these in various extensions. This particular one is 12mm extension. These place the shutter controls away from the lensboard, giving you more room to work. This extra clean one is $150. Some others are less expensive. I have a 210mm Computar lens in Copal #1 shutter mounted on one of these lensboards with an about 6mm extension; you can see how much easier it would be to screw in a cable release and operate the other shutter controls with the shutter mounted forward a little bit.

Sinar Norma extension lensboard. #0 hole size. 20mm extension. This one is especially useful for macro photography where your lens is very close to the subject, making lighting and access to the shutter difficult. $125

Sinar Norma extension lensboard. #0 hole size. 20mm extension. This one is like the above lensboard except someone has painted it black. The aluminum disk is taped into the rear of the extension and may be readily removed. I use the steel rod to exactly measure the distance to the ground glass for the purpose of properly spacing lenses for custom built Sinar Handy cameras. $100 without the aluminum disk and the steel rod or $150 with the aluminum disk and the steel rod.

Sinar Norma extension lensboard. 100mm by 1mmp threaded hole. This was made for use with a 360mm Componon in barrel. It allowed me to use the lens with the Sinar shutter. I could replace the front threaded plate with a plate of a size to accept your lens--at additional cost. $150

Adaptor, Linhof Technika IV/V/IV lensboards to black Sinar P/C/F board, will fit Norma as well. Will accept flat and recessed Linhof lensboards. Works with #0 and #1 shutters. Lenses in #3 shutters must be forward mounted with the Linhof style 2 part mounting system. $275.

Adaptor, black Hasselblad camera body adaptor on grey/green Sinar board, Mint one (illustrated), $OLD, Ex+, $175, Ex, $150

Adaptor, Alpa screwmount camera body to black Sinar, Ex, $100

Adaptor, Nikon F mount camera body to whatever. You see it on a D800. The 1st image is of one made by Sinar, but I have no Sinar adapters available and you probably do not want a Sinar adapter today because it will not accommodate a D800 because the flash extends out too far. The adapter that I offer is 100% Nikon, abeit removed from a piece of Nikon equipment and machined round on the outside edge. The extension of this adapter is just sufficient to clear the camera's flash. This adapter allows you to rotate your Nikon 90 degrees. This part is $200. If you want me to mount it on a Sinar Black lensboard, the price is $325 including the lensboard and the labor. The last 2 images show the Nikon adapter mounted on a Sinar P lens board. This one has been sold. I can make another for you.

Adaptor, Sinar to microscope, Ex, $175

Adaptor, Pentax screw mount camera body to Sinar, New, $100

Adaptor, 6X9cm Plaubel Peco Jr. ~3.75" square lens boards to Sinar, $300. Shown with Sinar carrier frame and lens on PPJr. lensboard which are not included. What you do get are a Sinar lensboard with a Plaubel adapter lensboard. The Plaubel lensboard itself is an adapter lensboard; it is the 6X9 Plaubel Peco Jr. 6X9 to 4X5 Plaubel Peco Jr. lensboard PN/150. The Plaubel adapter lensboard is simply contact cemented to the Sinar lensboard.

Adaptor, any lens to Sinar, Sinar Norma green lensboard with adaptor that accepts 4" round lens disks (5 included) that bayonet into place, leaving lens in same plane as if it had been mounted on the Sinar lensboard, neatly machined and made of black anodized aluminum, Ex+, $275

Adaptor, any lens to Sinar, includes black Horseman (Sinar compatible) lensboard, and 3 brass lensdisks that bayonet into the Horseman board. Brass disks bored for #1, #3 and #00 shutters. $350

Adaptor, any lens to Sinar and to Crown Graphic or Toyo Field, includes black Sinar lensboard, and 2 brass lensdisks that bayonet into the Horseman board and the Crown Graphic board. Brass disks bored for #1 and #0 shutters. The "apart" view is representative of any of the offerings of brass bayonet lens disks here and elsewhere on my web pages. $300

Deardorff to Sinar adapter lensboard. Originally this was a Deardorff 6X6" to 6X6" front mount Packard shutter housing and extension. This Packard shutter housing was in pretty bad condition and would no longer mount onto a Deardorff camera, but that did not matter for this purpose. I milled the rear of the Packard shutter housing, plugged numerous holes, and added a Sinar lensboard to the rear, using machine screws that go through the wood into threded holes in the metal, making for a very secure connection. I could have adapted this Packard shutter housing to virtually any camera. I have sold this item, but if you supply me with a Deardorff Packard shutter housing I can adapt it to your camera. I have Sinar and Linhof Kardan and many other lensboards in stock, but you may want to or have to supply your own lensboard for the camera you want the Packard shutter housing adapter to. Price will be about $200 for the labor, depending upon the work involved, which will vary with different cameras. In the last photo you see it mounted on a Sinar Norma, which requires more clearance than a Sinar P.

Sinar DB lensboard parts

  • The DB lensboard system allows the aperture to be visually set from the rear of the camera. You squeeze the "ears" and adjust the cable up or down. The cable has color coded F-stop markers on it. These came from a camera store that is a Sinar dealer. Some, probably all, are new-old-stock, but some have slightly bent cables just below the ears; this happens because you push on the cables when going in one direction. All have retaining rings and are ready to mount to your Sinar lensboard bored to 101-102mm size. DB lensboards may be used as ordinary lensboards by removing the F-stop control arm and ignoring the F-stop adjusting system. So if you have some DB lensboards that you would like to use with shutters with hole sizes listed below, the parts may be useful to you. By reversing the mounting, these will serve as recessed lensboards. All that I have are available to you for $200.

  • One marked "90/8 S. A. Copal" which goes from F8 to F64, with #0 hole size. $50

  • 2 more dentical to the above, but unmarked. $50 each.

  • One marked "180 S.S. Copal" which goes from F5.6 to F45, with #1 hole size. $50

  • 2 more identical to the above, but unmarked. $50 each.

  • F8 to f64, #1 hole size. $50

  • F5.6 to F45, #1 hole size, F stop markers reversed, that is, smaller F-stops near ears (perhaps this is for a #1 Compur). $50

  • F9 to F90, 51mm hole size, F stop markers reversed, that is, smaller F-stops near ears (perhaps this is for a #2 Compur). $50

  • 9 complete assemblies less lensboards + lot of spare parts, retaining rings, spacers lens panels, screws, etc. as illustrated--including 12 lens panels and 5 spacers. In other words, all the db parts illustrated above and below. The whole lot for $200.

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